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Yellow Trumpet Bush (Vainillo): Technical Data Sheet

Yellow Trumpet Bush (Vainillo): Technical Data Sheet

Technical data sheet developed by the AyA / UNDP ASADAs Strengthening Project, with support from BIOFIN and FUNDECOR. Sample summary of technical information on the yellow trumpet bush (vanillo) tree (Tecoma stans).

What kind of plants can I plant? People who experiment in reforestation activities answer this question; their answers have generated 10 files that include important information for each species. These files will be updated to provide data on more than a hundred species, which can be adjusted to conditions of location, altitude, light requirements, and ground cover at the site where planting will take place.

Authorship: PNUD and FUNDECOR.

Year: 2020

Yellow Trumpet Bush (Vainillo): Technical Data Sheet

Costa Rica

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